Testing EZGATE and WorkList

If you don't have access to any scanners, you can still check the operation of EZGATE and WorkList using the Open Source dcm4che toolkit from SourceForge.  The toolkit is loaded onto  The following instructions were tested using  version 2.0.15 of dcm4che, which is loaded onto


  1. Logon to (If the toolkit is not on, see instructions at the bottom for downloading it from SourceForge)
  2. Open a command prompt window and enter the highlighted commands for the type of test you want to do:  DICOM Echo, DICOM Send, or Work List.

Hint:  you can't do a paste directly into a Command Prompt window.  Use the menu as shown above.

DICOM Echo (basically a ping with some handshaking)

C:\>cd C:\DICOM Checker\dcm4che-2.0.15\bin
C:\DICOM Checker\dcm4che-2.0.15\bin>dcmecho EZPACS@
Here's what you will receive back:

"Perform Verification in -0.141s"  (4 lines from the bottom) shows that the Echo was successful.

DICOM Send (this code sends an image to EZGate)

In the C:\DICOM Checker\dcm4che-2.0.15\bin directory on, there is a test file named DICOMTest.DCM, which we will use in the example below.

C:\>cd C:\DICOM Checker\dcm4che-2.0.15\bin
C:\DICOM Checker\dcm4che-2.0.15\bin>dcmsnd EZPACS@ DICOMTest.DCM
"Sent 1 objects (=174.03125KB) in 0.078s <=2.1788769MB/s>" (5 lines from the bottom) means the send succeeded and 
you will be able to see the image in EZPACS.
To verify that the image was sent, open EZPACS and search for patient 9999994 (6 9s and a 4).  You should see 
the following:
Right-click the TEST patient then select Reveal in Explorer.  
You should see one image per the screen shot below:
Now delete the test files.  Right-click the TEST patient then select Delete selected case.
Click the Yes button.

DICOM WorkList

C:\>cd C:\DICOM Checker\dcm4che-2.0.15\bin
C:\DICOM Checker\dcm4che-2.0.15\bin>dcmmwl WORKLIST@ -mod=CT -date=20110407
This command will give you all the 14 CT exams scheduled for 4/7/11.
"Received 14 matching entries in 1.953s" is the success message.

If the toolkit is not on, you can download it from Sourceforge: 


Use version 2.0.15 if possible, because we know that works with the instructions above.