Aetna 835s

1.  Log in to the Aetna website: (or use the EZRIS Weblinks: Aetna 837 uploads)

2.  Click the Downloads link.

3.  Select AETNADIPORTAL.835 file--it will turn orange.  Stephanie Wolfe takes care of all the other files in this screen.

4.  Click the Open button.  The 835 will appear in a web browser.

5.  Press Ctrl/A to select everything in the window.

6.  Press Ctrl/C to copy the text into the paste buffer.

7.  Open Notepad.

8.  Press Ctrl/V to paste the text into Notepad.

9.  Select File | Save as...

10.  Double-click the Aetna ERNs folder to see what the next number will be for the file name.

11.  Click the Up-One-Level button at the top of the screen to get back to the previous window.

12.Name the fill with the next sequential number, then click the Save button.  (Make sure that you are saving the file in the eobs directory on the server:  \\\eobs\ )

13.  Close the 835 that is in Notepad.  If it asks you to save, you know something is wrong.  Make sure it gets saved in the correct place.

14.  Close the browser containing the 835.

15. Click the Logout link at the top left.

All the downloaded 835s are kept in Aetna's archive, so you can easily retrieve an old EOB by going into the Archive page.