March 13, 2000

Contrast-Enhanced Subtraction MR Angiography (CE-MRA): State-of-the-art

CE-MRA of the aortic arch and great vessels (left) into the brain, renal arteries (top), selective carotid bifurcation (top right) showing ICA/ECA stenosis, and 3-section run-off (very right) showing multiple stenoses, including long-segment bilateral SFA stenoses.

Q.     What is Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography (CE-MRA)?

CE-MRA is a fairly new, non-invasive MR technique that utilizes ultra fast MR sequences to obtain exquisite MRA images. These images are obtained during intravenous administration of only 20-30 cc of Gadolinium using an MR-compatible power injector. A bolus-tracking software tracks the bolus of contrast for optimal timing. Subtraction techniques may also be utilized for improved tissue contrast. Thus, a high-end scanner is required to perform the procedure.

Q.     What are some applications?

Carotids, brain, aorta, renals, pulmonary, run off, etc.

Q.     How long does it take to do the carotids, for example?

The actual scan is performed in one breath hold (about 20 seconds), but of course it takes some time to prepare the patient and set up the protocols. The whole procedure can be performed in ½ hour. 4D reconstruction is then performed.

Q.     What is the accuracy of the test?

It is extremely accurate when performed properly, and it correlates well with x-ray angiography and can replace it in many instances. Some patients may undergo surgery based on CE-MRA without the need for conventional angiography. 4D reconstruction allows visualization at multiple angles. Best of all, it is non-invasive!

For more information, or for any questions or concerns, please call me personally.

Ray H. Hashemi, M.D., Ph.D.

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